There is a new Canvas Gradebook (NCG) coming to town, and it will arrive for the Spring 2020 semester!  Some of the new features for the NCG include:

  • Grade detail tray allows you to easily click through all assignments for a student and view or change grade, status, and comments, or for a single assignment you can click through every student one by one and view or change their information.
  • Late policy (missing work) automatically applies a zero for missing submissions.
  • Late policy (late work) deducts specified percentages for each day late.
  • Unpublished assignments can now be shown in the NCG.
  • Arrange columns by assignment name (A-Z), due date, points or modules.
  • Filter columns either by assignment group, section modules or grading period.
  • Change default colors associated with the NCG status (late, missing, resubmitted, dropped or excused).
  • Sort grades in an ascending or descending order.

To learn more, Canvas has created detailed guides outlining all of the changes coming with the NCG, or you can attend one of the upcoming NCG training sessions.

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