If you used ClipArt in the past there’s a new way of inserting pictures and Video’s.

For images Click on the INSERT TAB

Click on Online Pictures


You can insert a picture from Office.com ClipArt gallery or you can search Bing’s image gallery.  If you have a Microsoft account you can also get images from Flickr, skydrive and other accounts.

Office.com Clip Art
Type in your subject in the search box.


Bing Image Search
Type in your subject in the search box.


Online Video:

You can search for a video on Bing or using YouTube you can copy and paste the embed code into the box showing below.


Bing Video Search
Type in your subject in the search box.


From a Video Embed Code
Goto YouTube find you video, Under the video you’ll see a button called Share.  Click on it, next you’ll see more options.  Click on Embed, copy the text that shows in this box.  Go back to word and select Insert Tab, click on Online Video, and paste in the box for from video embed code.

Your screen should display a preview window of the video, you can then click on the video to play it.

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